Tips to Help Minimize Jet Lag

  • Adjust your bedtime by an hour a day a few days before your trip. This will adjust your sleep pattern to match the sleep schedule you will keep at your destination.

  • Reset your watch to the destination time at the beginning of your flight to help you adjust more quickly to the timezone you will be visiting.

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. Experts believe that dehydration is a predisposing cause of jet lag.

  • Eat lightly but strategically. What you eat can have a direct influence on your wake/sleep cycle. Remember that high protein meals are likely to keep you awake, while foods high in carbohydrates can promote sleep, and fatty foods may make you feel sluggish.

  • Relax on the first day at your destination. If you have the luxury of arriving at your destination a day or two before you have to engage in important activities that require a lot of energy or sharp intellectual focus, give yourself a break and let your body adjust to the time change a little more gradually.

  • Sleep on the plane if it is nighttime at your destination. Use earplugs, headphones, eye masks, or other sleep aids to help block out noise and light, and a travel pillow to make you more comfortable so you can sleep.

  • Stay awake during your flight if it is daytime at your destination. Read, talk with other passengers, watch a movie, or walk the aisles to avoid sleeping at the wrong time.